Friday, 22 April 2016

Liebster Award

I was nominated for this award by Madi from Glamorous Mayhem, so thank you sweetie for that.
This award has been doing the rounds for a good number of years now, I actually got nominated for it back when I ran my old blog several years ago. It's a way for smaller blogs to gain recognition and is given by bloggers to other bloggers.

If you don’t know the rules they’re pretty simple;
  • Mention the blogger who tagged you and thank them.
  • Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked by the blogger
  • Nominate 11 bloggers
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.
  • Notify your nominees on Twitter.
Here are the questions I've received;
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
I would love to travel to Japan, I've been a huge fan of Japanese culture and food since I was a teenager and would love to see it first hand. 
How long have you been blogging for?
As Mrs Red's Beauty Blog, since March this year, in total, on and off for over a decade. 
What made you start blogging?
I enjoyed it the last time I had a blog going [Ms Red's Beauty Blog] but had to quit due to real life circumstances taking over, now I'm more settled I wanted to get back into something I enjoyed doing. 
What’s your favourite takeout food?
Indian food, though we rarely order Indian takeaway as we don't have a decent one in the area so we mostly have Chinese or pizza. 
How would you describe your style?
Comfortable, and warm, I have Raynaud's so need to keep myself warm more so than most people.
What is the favourite thing about yourself?
I'm a survivor.
What makes you happy?
Being with my husband and pets in our own home. It's what I always wanted and now I have it. Couldn't be happier.
Favourite TV show?
Currently I'm into Jericho and Z Nation.
Favourite sweets?
I'm actually not a big sweet eater, I do like a bit of fudge occasionally though. 
What’s your dream job?
David Attenbourgh's job lol
Celebrity crush?
I don't really have one, my husband looks like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (not Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow) so I don't need to crush on other people.
Now I nominate;

Stacey from Unicorn Fairy
Hannah from Lipstick Luck
Tori from 30 Plus and Beautiful
Tina from Tea is for Tina
Brittany from My Crazy Beautiful Life
Teri from Makeup Addict BiLaw
Trona from Ayelined
Holly from Closing Winter
Imogen from Miniature Milk
Jude from Love Lust & Fairy Dust
Kate from The Makeup Artists Choice

And my questions for you are;
What is one product you couldn't live without?
Why did you start blogging?
Your favourite song, or band?
Your favourite childhood book?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Favourite food?
If it was the end of the world and you were selected to be rescued and taken to a safe place but you could only take five things with you (not people or animals) what would they be and why?
Beach holidays or city breaks?
What is your favourite thing to cook/eat?
If you won £1 million (or equivalent) what would you spend it on?
What makes you continue blogging? 
Next time on the blog

 The Fragrance Shop Discovery Club

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