Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Blog Announcement and Giveaway News

Blog Announcement & Giveaway News

From today 7th April 2016 I will be posting twice or three times a week rather than daily as I have been doing, it was always my plan to slow down to two or three times a week but first I just wanted to get some content on my blog, hence the daily posts since I re-started last month.

The main reasons behind posting less often is because I work full time, I am also chief chef, bottle washer, house keeper, food shopper etc and also I have health issues, not least amongst them insomnia, that leads to sheer exhaustion on a regular basis, so I physically cannot keep up with posting every single day.

I do hope I won't lose anyone who reads my blog often because of my decision to slow down a bit, I just don't want to burnout.

Something I do have coming up in the next week however, is a giveaway. This is to say thank you to all those readers who have helped my blog reach 5000 views within one month, which I'm so chuffed with I can't tell you.

The primary part of the giveaway will be the chance to win what you voted for in my poll, a MAC palette x 9 eyeshadows as you see below;

Also included in the giveaway will be; Makeup Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette in Sugar and Spice as seen on my blog already.

Makeup Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette Sugar and Spice
Obviously the one up for grabs is a brand new palette and not my personal one.

I'm also picking up other little bits and bobs for the giveaway, which I will show in full once I start the giveaway going. I'm just waiting on the MAC palette to arrive and then it will go live, so stay tuned to my blog for that update, you don't want to miss the chance to win these goodies*.

*All items involved in this giveaway have been purchased by me with my own money.

Next time on the blog

The Giveaway


  1. Lovely post and congrats on getting 5000 views in one months thars a great milestone keep up the good work, I'm sure posting three times a week should be fine some people post only twice just keep re sharing your content to your social media's when you havery the time or a break just keep re sharing what you have already posted even very old posts it will help alot.

  2. YAY! Well done! Cant wait for the comp! xx

  3. Congrats on reaching 5000 views! I am so glad I fond out about your blog (on IG) , I truly love it 💕💕💕

  4. Congrats on reaching 5000 views! I am so glad I fond out about your blog (on IG) , I truly love it 💕💕💕

  5. Congrats on the views! I hope the new schedule works out well for you :)

    Corinne x

  6. Congrats on reaching 5000, and I agree that posting a few times a week is better :)

  7. Congratulations and thanks for an awesome giveaway xx


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