Tuesday, 5 April 2016

All About Hand Care

I'm going to let you in on a 'skincare hack' I discovered a while ago all about hand care, I came to this realisation after years of having major issues every winter with the skin on my hands, like my mother before me, when the winter comes along the skin on my hands throws up the white flag of surrender and goes into meltdown.

I would have liked to have shown you how my hands looked during that time but I haven't any photos as I no longer get into that state for one reason and one reason only.

Now I know you expect to hear about some awesome hand cream here but I haven't yet found a hand cream that imparts enough moisture and protecting properties to do anything positive to my skin during the winter months. 

And I have tired many different ones, from Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Concentrated Hand Cream, to The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector via pretty much every other hand cream on the market over the years, including but not limited to several different L'Occitane hand creams, several different Neal's Yard hand creams. 

I came close to finding a hand cream that worked with one from Avon that they did about ten years ago now, however they stopped making it very shortly after I bought some so I struck that one off my list. Same with Simple's Derma Intensive Relief Hand Cream which I bought in a sale and wasn't too bad on my hands, not fantastic but better than many others, but again, seems to have been discontinued.

So, what is the secret to gaining relief from the dry, peeling, splitting ultra sore skin I get on my hands each winter?

None other than, Scholl Deep Moisturising Cream..... for feet. 

A picture of Scholl Deep Moisturising Foot Cream

It probably will come as no surprise after reading how everything else that has worked has been discontinued to learn that this has been reinvented, repackaged and the ingredients changed to include petrolatum, to Scholl Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream but the Deep Moisturising Cream is still available to buy here for £3.99.

The other really good thing about Scholl's Deep Moisturising Foot Cream is you need so little to cover your hands, that a tube would last for a very long time, thank goodness.

I only apply cream to my hands at night as I hate, loathe and despise the feel of cream on my palms, working as I do with water if I have cream on my hands and handle something wet, it all turns slimy. The most disgusting experience ever, plus I run the risk of dropping what I handle.

Other top tips for taking care of your hands include;
  • Wearing gloves every time you go outside, every time.
  • Wearing rubber gloves when doing the dishes, don't even think of rinsing a dish without protecting your hands, it will all add up and hurt in the long run.
  • If your hands aren't as bad as mine the normal hand cream will help you, apply as often as you can.
  • If you notice your nails are dry and cracking, soak your fingertips in warm olive oil every evening, it'll really help. You can rub the oil into your hands once you're done adding a extra level of care to your skin.
Feel free to include your top tips for caring for your hands in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you.
Next time on the blog

Skin Food Honey Black Tea Cleansing Cream

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