Sunday, 20 March 2016

Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr 005

I know I've said I won't be featuring makeup heavily on this blog, however I do still wear it and will feature it from time to time. Like today with my favourite foundation in the whole wide world..... (as if I've tried all the foundations doh)

Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr foundation in 005 also known as Beige Ivorie.

a picture of Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr in 005

For many years I searched high and low for a foundation that was MY colour, ultra pale but not vampire (looking at you Illamsqua) and I finally found it courtesy of a Lancome counter girl in Boots in Cardiff. (shout out to the Welsh girls) who gave me a generous sample to try.

And just like that the constant orange tinge to my face had gone, no more tide lines around my hair and jaw. It blended into my skin, like my skin but better.

There's only two things I'm not keen on about it, firstly the price, at £30 it's a teeny tiny bit expensive. Thankfully I only use a little bit each day so it lasts me several months. And secondly the smell, it is heavily scented, like full blown spritzed with perfume scented. After so long I've got used to the smell and kinda like it, but given a choice I'd remove it altogether.

a picture of Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr in 005
Drop of foundation
a picture of Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr in 005
Smear of foundation
a picture of Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr in 005
Blended foundation
As you can see it has disappeared into my skin, and although many will tell you your hands are darker than your face due to sun exposure, mine really aren't. I tend to stay out of the sun as I burn easily.

But just to show you how well it looks on me, here's something I never thought I'd do again;

Share my face
a picture of Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24hr in 005
Hi, excuse the jumper. It's warm and cosy.
I actually took that photo to show my mum my (even) shorter haircut, but as I'm wearing the foundation here it's a good way to show you how well it's my skin but better.
There's more, this was taken at about 7pm, so after a full days work my makeup is still going strong, not that I'd wear it for 24hrs without a wash, but it does stay put.

Next time on the blog.

NARS Blush in Sex Appeal

What is your favourite foundation, do you have trouble finding the right shade?


  1. Looks like a perfect match, your skin looks amazing! I don't get the point of strong scented foundations at all. Also, I love your concept of colour coding the ingredients.

    Kirstie | Behind The Scent

  2. Thank you, i wanted to try help others understand them easier while learning myself 😊

  3. Thank you for this tip. I am looking for some new foundation, so maybe I´ll try this one. o)


  4. Oooh I'll have to Gove this ago at some point! I have such pale skin from not being in the sun too and its so hard to find that one that matches! 😂


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