Thursday, 24 March 2016

Inlight Organic Body Oil with Arnica

a picture of Inlight body oil with arnica

The Claims

"A deeply warming, soothing body oil with a complex of plants and astringent herb extracts to relax, rejuvenate and promote suppleness and elasticity and leave your skin with a lustrous, silky sheen."

The Ingredients

Sesamum IndicumOlea EuropaeaSimmondsia ChinensisPrunus ArmeniacaMacadamia IntegrifoliaOenothera BiennisArnica MontanaLavandula AngustifoliaCymbopogon MartiniPelargonium GraveolensPlantago MajorCalendula OfficinalisHamamelis VirginianaRosa CaninaPogostemon CablinCananga OdorataLinalool*, Geraniol*, Citronellol*, Limonene*, Citral*, Farnesol* 
*Natural constituent of essential oils.

The Immediate Concerns

Normally after a sea of green ingredients to see several red ones would be worrisome, but each and every one of the ingredients coloured red are naturally occurring fragrances which form part of the plant oils used, and no one knows better than I how allergic some people can be to certain fragrances. 

I would imagine though that this is unlikely to effect anyone bar the most sensitive skinned or those with nut allergies, it is packed full of skin loving oils such as olive oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, macadamia oil and rosehip oil to name but a few.

How Did It Fair?

I received this oil a fair while ago now as a PR sample from Inlight when they first joined twitter back in 2011 and ended up in a chat about my itchy skin. I started getting skin problems when I first moved to Wales at the end of 2009, mostly I think because the water here is different to what I was used to and my skin didn't know how to react, so it reacted badly.

I managed to eke out my bottle of wonder oil for quite a while using it simply on my legs (don't ask me why only my legs were affected, I really do not know.)  It is now an empty bottle that I pine over as it worked wonders on my legs and smelt gorgeous, depending on how I felt I would either add some to my bath or massage it straight onto my legs, where it would get to work soothing my poor skin. 

My Conclusion

I received this as a PR sample originally, but I would buy some more for myself if it didn't cost £34 a bottle. I understand it contains costly oils, but I can buy a bottle of jojoba, almond oil, coconut oil etc and mix my own skin oil for less. I'm sorry Inlight, I love it, I really do, I just can't justify the price tag to myself.

I have been asked to clarify the reasons behind the price to my readers so here it is, the explanation I received that I now share with you;
"The price reflects the product as it not just a mix of oils which you have listed and perhaps confused readers. All our oils take months to make as we have a specific infusion method to enhance all the nutrients as well as Dr. Spiezia's unique and patented method (you can read more on our website here)."
Next time on the blog.

Elizabeth Arden 8hr Cream

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