Tuesday, 31 May 2016

May | Product Empties

Another month has gone by and another post with what I've managed to use up is upon us. I don't seem to have as many products this month as I did in April's Product Empties post though, I need to up my game a bit.
a picture of Liz Earle and Lancome

Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish;

My holy grail of cleansers and the one I go back to buy time and time again, I finished my most recent bottle this month and I'm actually trying out some other cleansers at the moment so while I will be re-purchasing it won't be for a short time at least.

Lancome Teint Idole 24hr Foundation;

A foundation that I love for several reasons, firstly it's MY shade, you have no idea how hard it is to find a shade to suit when you're incredibly pale unless you're a fellow pale face. Secondly, it lasts all day without slipping off by lunch time. I ran out before I expected so I've emergency bought some Revlon foundation so will be using that up before re-purchasing this again.

A picture of Bravura London and Indeed Labs

Bravura London Calendula Toner;

I would have had some left of this if the bathroom cabinet shelf hadn't decided to fall out, dropping this in the sink, smashing the lid and tipping the remainder down the drain. I was not happy. But I have since ordered some Ginseng toner from Bravura London so silver lining and all.

Dead Sea Spa Magik Bath Salts;

I got these when I started getting sports massages to deal with some of the muscular pains I get, adding them to the bath and soaking in them is supposed to help several skin complaints and help ease muscle pains. I'm not sure how effective they really were though as heat tends to relax my muscles anyway and I like my baths hot.

Indeed Labs Fillume Moisturiser;

Not a bad moisturiser, I've bought it twice before, but there are ones with more active ingredients on the market. Saying that I bought it twice so it obviously did a decent job on my skin.

A picture of Bravura London's Hyaluronic Acid Serum and Sanex Dermo Repair

Bravura London's Hyaluronic Acid Serum;

Lasted a good couple of months and imparts a decent amount of moisture to the skin, really good under moisturiser. Follow the link above for an indepth review.

Sanex Dermo Repair;

I've used Sanex bath creams for a while as they tend to maintain moisture levels for my legs, for someone who has oily skin on my face you'd be surprised to learn my legs get quite dry and after bathing can be very itchy. The dermo repair bath cream was good for reducing that but I can only find it in shower gel form now so I fear it is discontinued like all good things are.

1 comment

  1. liz earle is on my wishlist, i would love to try it though!


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