About Me

"Because beauty isn't all about makeup."

I'm Elizabeth, the voice of Mrs Red's Beauty Blog. I'm a beauty blogger with a penchant for skincare with a side of makeup. 

In 'real' life I'm a manager at a well known company and have been with them for over a decade, I'm 'mummy' to a hyperactive dog and an elderly cat along with wife to a wonderful husband. Between my job and my personal life, alongside my blog, I'm a very busy woman.

I started blogging about six years ago with Ms Red's Beauty Blog however I took a break from the blogging world for a few years to get married and buy a house et al and then launched Mrs Red's Beauty Blog in March 2016.

So, on my blog you'll find information about the ingredients in skincare products not because I believe that natural is always better (cyanide anyone?) but because I often look at ingredients and wonder what on earth they are, so decided to write as I'd like to read, along with makeup and other beauty loves I find along the way


Feel free to connect with me on Bloglovin', Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.

Elizabeth Red


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