Saturday, 2 April 2016

Makeup Revolution London - Ultra Blush Palette in Sugar and Spice

I've said it before and I'll probably say it again about how I'm not the worlds biggest makeup wearer, I know that's slightly odd for a beauty blogger but I think it's totally possible. One of the few makeup products I do wear though is blusher, and that is because I am so pale that without some blush I would look like a ghost.

I posted not long ago about NARS Sex Appeal one of my favourite blushes, since then I've hit pan and am coming to the end of our wonderful companionship. Not to be left blusher-less I popped into Superdrug intending to buy Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette in Golden Sugar, however my Superdrug was sold out so I grabbed the Sugar and Spice palette instead.

A picture of Revolution London Blush in Sugar and Spice

A picture of Revolution London Blush in Sugar and Spice,

The Blurb
"Our ULTRA Blush palette is perfect for the professional application desired by all of us. Perfect for highlighting too.
Professional and highly pigmented, yet easy to blend, these contain 8 shades consisting of shimmer and matte blushers, merged baked blusher, and merged baked highlighter powder. The ULTIMATE blush palette offering you 8 shades in 1 to suit any occasion!"
At only £6.00 per palette of eight shades, including highlighters I think once my local Superdrug has Golden Sugar back in I'll be picking that one up too. There's no such thing as too much blusher in your makeup bag.

And the best thing about it is the palette comes with a lovely big mirror, I think that's a lovely touch. The rest of the packaging is fairly solid, but lightweight black plastic. Feels like it would survive living in most girls makeup bags for quite a while, the closure is tight so it's not about to spring open suddenly to deposit highly coloured powder everywhere either.

A picture of Revolution London Blush in Sugar and Spice

I'm fairly surprised by how big each blush pan is in this palette, considering it is only £6 and you are getting eight colours I thought each individual pan would be much smaller, but they are each of a decent size. There's mostly matte style blushes in it, which I'm thankful for and two highlighters, which I may or may not actually use to be honest. I don't tend to need much help in the shine department.

A picture of Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette Sugar and Spice Swatches

I found the top row to be lighter shades and slightly less pigmented than the bottom row when I swatched them on my arm. The above photo is the top row shades from left to right in shaded light and the below photo is the same row, same order but in direct sunlight.

A picture of Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette in Sugar and Spice Swatches

I get the feeling I might never use the top right highlighter as it is incredibly shimmery, near silvery, in the sunlight. Whereas the other three top row shades all seem to be perfectly decent day to day wear colours.

There was a difference when I swatched the bottom row onto my arm, each of the colours seemed extremely pigmented, very bright and I would imagine rather easy to over do. These need a light touch when applying.

As before, the below photo is the bottom row of blushes, from left to right in shaded light.

A picture of Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette in Sugar and Spice Swatches

And the below photo here is the same order, bottom row of blushes, left to right, in direct sunlight.

A picture of Revolution London Ultra Blush Palette in Sugar and Spice Swatches

These colours are also, in my opinion, highly wearable any day or night, they just need a light touch to apply, I'm more likely to use the highlighter on the bottom row as there is a lot less silver shine to it, it actually put me to mind of NARS Orgasm blush almost, just not quite as deep a shade and lacking the golden tones.

I would love to tell you the names of each pan, but I cannot find any names anywhere. If you know what they are called drop me a note in the comments below. Also if you use any of the other Revolution palettes let me know how you get on with them.
Next time on the blog

Elie Saab Le Parfum.

1 comment

  1. Totally get what you're saying about the silvery highlighter! Surprised me a bit as I have a MUR highlighter palette and its gorgeous!



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