Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel

*Please note this post will be photo heavy and contain feet.
A picture of Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel
Committed the blogger sin of opening the product before photographing it.
So just after Easter I used the Holika Holika Silky Foot Mask Sheet in the hope of retuning my feet to their pre 'stand up all day for years' state of softness. Alas that mask, although softening to a degree, just wasn't enough to cut it for my tootsies. So I ordered the Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel to try instead.

The Blurb

Seven day miracle! A simple one-step foot peeling pack for smoothening dead skin cells on coarse and chapped feet.
- No more rough and hard skin on your feet! It's a convenient peeling sheet that peels off the thickened and dead skin on your heels.
- Contains 16 kinds of plants extracts and AHA which make your feet smooth like baby's feet.
Like before, it was incredibly simple to use, you once again got a pair of white, plastic booties with a fabric inner, instead of already being wet you simply open and pour the two foot shaped sachets of liquid into the booties once they are on your feet, tie them off at the top and wait for 1hr 30.

A picture of Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel Booties

I put a pair of slippers on so that all the liquid was in contact with all of my feet at the same time, the booties didn't leak which was good, though it felt odd squishing around in a pair of slippers and booties.

The Results

I did this peel on a Saturday night, and inspected regularly as you do when you're expecting results, I saw nothing for the first couple of days but then on the third I could tell the skin on my feet had changed, it took on an almost plasticy sheen as if there were a glove over my foot. By that night my feet had started to peel.
A picture of Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel before and after
It's hard to tell from a photo the difference, as you can see around my toes is still peeling slightly, I had a hard patch of skin just below my little toe which has softened off nicely which I think is fairly clear in this pic, and another hard patch on the ball of my big toe has also softened nicely. My toes also look pinker and fresher, although no pain has been felt at all during this process.

The results were even more evident on my heels as the photo below shows.
A picture of Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel before and after
It is clear that the hard skin that was covering my heel has gone, and that is simply the result of the peel, I haven't needed to use a pumice or anything to help the skin peel off it just came off like when/if you've ever peeled post sunburnt skin.

Gross Photos alert.

This is during the peeling stage, it didn't hurt and was quite fun really to sit and peel off.

A picture of Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel mid peel

This is how much I got off in a short period of time.

A picture of the results of Holika Holika Silky Foot One Shot Peel

All in all this product has done exactly what it says it will do, removed hard skin quickly, with little to no mess (as long as you wear socks) and painlessly. Obviously the results won't last forever, I still work on my feet but it is a great step if you want holiday ready feet quickly, though I would recommend doing it at least two weeks before a holiday to allow all the peeling to happen.

This is definitely something I will re-purchase again at some point, I got mine from Amazon dot com for $6.12 or £4.29 and free P&P, but there are plenty of other sellers out there if you google the products name.

Next time on the blog 



  1. I do love the idea of this, but you know, FEET. Zombie feet. Shudder

    1. Haha I had so much fun peeling all that off :D

  2. I was looking for a good foot peel and this very one from holika holika is exactly what I wanted to go for, glad you blogged about it, I'm ordering some today, I'll get one also for my mum, bet it'll scare the hell out of her lol 😂

    1. Haha would love to see your mums face when her feet peel

  3. I was looking for a good foot peel and this very one from holika holika is exactly what I wanted to go for, glad you blogged about it, I'm ordering some today, I'll get one also for my mum, bet it'll scare the hell out of her lol 😂

  4. Oh my god I need this! Thanks for the pics, I find foot skin simultaneously gross and fascinating and I want my feet to shed their dead-ness now!

    1. Other peoples foot skin would gross me out, my own not so much, it was all so much fun

  5. So nasty looking when it's peeling but I totally want to try this :)

  6. So nasty looking when it's peeling but I totally want to try this :)

  7. My feet need something like this before I go on my holiday. Will have to investigate now. Can't believe how much dead skin came off

    1. It's amazing how much came off, far more than shown here even, but my feet are still feeling lovely and smooth now


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