Today I'm talking about my hair, my hair which used to be very long and got progressively shorter since I moved to Wales, a quick timeline of my hair includes;
Pre 2010 also pre Wales, I had long, un-dyed hair natural hair I did nothing to. (1)
2011, I cut it from the long length of picture (1) to the bob in picture (2), and dyed it red. This was when I was blogging before and how I came up with the name of M(r)s Red's Beauty Blog.
2014, got bored of short, red hair due to the constant need to redo my roots, dyed it blonde (near enough my natural shade) and grew it out, also the year I got married, hence the up do. (3)
2015, quickly got bored of having long hair again and chopped it off, also went through a pink phase, which also didn't last due to upkeep. (4)
Today in 2016 my hair is blonde, because I'm too lazy to deal with the upkeep on funky colours, and short, because it's so damn easy to look after. (5)